Tuesday, October 14, 2008

24-Hour Readathon

I'm so freakishly excited about participating 24-Hour Readathon hosted by Dewey at The Hidden Side of a Leaf!! It kicks of this Saturday at noon GMT, which, if I've figured correctly, is 5 a.m. in my time zone. Isn't that insanely awesome? Amazingly, I have very little going on that day, and church is at a different time than usual on Sunday, so it should all work out. Of course, I'm a realist, and I know I cannot stay awake the whole time, but I will try to cram in as much as I can. On the FAQ, it is suggested to choose shorter books that might not be such a stretch for the attention span, so I thought this would be a great time to get to some of the Children's and YA books that are on my TBR list. I had so much fun at the library getting way more books than I can possibly read, but I like to have a good selection. Here's a blurry picture of what I got:

I figure I will read about only read about 3 or 4 of these that day. Also, my 12-year-old son is going to do it with me, minus a few hours he will be spending doing a service project. I'll have to get some meals ready before that day, and I've got three or four reviews I've promised myself I have to get done before Saturday.


  1. I'm also participating in the challenge. And can't wait. I'm already getting snacks, teas. coca etc to aid me. Although I've yet to pick my books, I have an idea. Good luck.

  2. That's a nice pile of books. I'm going to be a cheerleader. rara!

  3. I'm joining in as well. This will be my first time and I am looking forward to it. I've picked some short and hopefully quick reads that will hopefully keep me going.

  4. Glad your son is joining in! We have a few kids his age who will be participating, so I hope he can find their blogs, if he's interested.

    Looks like lots of Anne on your pile! I'd lie back on the couch and make him read Coraline to you. ;)

  5. I'm one of the read-a-thon reminders, but I can see from this post that you definitely haven't forgotten! That's a great looking pile of books...I love Coraline and the Anne books. Have fun!
