Saturday, April 18, 2009

Readathon Hour 2 Report

Wow! The time is flying! Here's my progress:

Mental State: Bright-eyed and bushy tailed!!
Calorie consumption status: So far only hot chocolate.
Distractions: Random stopwatch alarm going off repeatedly (have no idea how to turn it off. Hid it in the garage.) Daughter's alarm clock going off (She's not even here.) Allergies. I think I'm allergic to the fifty-year-old book I'm reading.
Cumulative number of pages read by me: 50
Cumulative number of pages read by kids: The two who are here are still sleeping, other two will join in when they get back from campouts.
Titles of Book(s)read: Immortal Wife by Irving Stone. This is my "have-to" reading. I'm going to a book club for this book Tuesday night, and just started it last night. It's entertaining, but not a fast read.


  1. Mmm, hot chocolate sounds yummy.

  2. I think the time's flying by too! I'd be terrified to record calories, lol!

    That stopwatch sounds so annoying. :/

  3. Wow your hourly report is so informative and original!

    And yay for another Buffy lover! ;)

  4. The time is going by SSOOO fast! I love the music on your page! Happy reading!

  5. I can't believe how fast time goes--almost 4 hours down. Yay for being bright-eyed!

  6. Wow your hourly report is so informative and original!

    And yay for another Buffy lover! ;)
