Monday, April 13, 2009

24-Hour Readathon!!!

It's almost here! I'm so happy that I have no commitments the day of the Read-a-thon, but I do have some things going on the next day that require at least a little bit of sleep the night before, so for me it will be more of a 19 hour Read-a-thon. I have about six hours of meetings on Sunday in which I have to interact with people, and it could be scary if I've only slept for an hour!

This is a family event for us. The kids don't read the whole time, but they have fun reading a little bit more than usual and having snacks. I'm going to stop my own reading every once in a while and read out loud from at least one Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle book. A friend of mine loaned me a boxed set ages ago, and I would like to return it to her someday soon! I've got a Melody Carlson book coming for my fourteen-year-old daughter from Amazon. My 12-year-old son would like to read The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson #4) if we can get our hands on a copy. My 9-year-old is planning to read her third Sammy Keyes book (we love these!). And my 7-year-old is going to have a box of pictures books on hand, and may read a little Junie B. Jones. I guess my husband's job is to hold down the fort while we read. Maybe he can fan me and feed me grapes!

I have been too busy to put together a collection of books for me to choose from for that day. I know I've got Hunger Games and Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy from the library anxiously waiting for me to open them. (Gary D. Schmidt's Wednesday Wars was my favorite pick from the last read-a-thon.) Hopefully I'll have time later on this week to pick out more.

The kids were in charge of deciding which charity to donate to, and they picked Action Against Hunger. We're going to pledge 2 cents per page read. Ironically, we will probably be eating a lot of snacks while reading. We'll just have to be extra grateful for every bite while thinking of those who have so much less.

Happy reading to those of you who are participating! This is such a great way to remember Dewey and her contributions to this great community of book lovers. I hope to visit a lot of other blogs as part of the fun. See you Saturday! (5 a.m. for me!)


  1. I really wish I could participate in the read-a-thon this time around. I had such a great time in october, but sadly, I have exams starting on that monday, so I'll be studying. I guess I'll be reading, but not for pleasure. Best of luck.

  2. Yay! I didn't know you were participating, too. I am, on my personal blog rather than 5-Squared, so I don't overload the group blog with my readathon stuff, haha. I've got The Hunger Games in my pile, too, saved for middle of the night, because I heard it'll keep me awake. :)

  3. This is my first read-a-thon and I can hardly wait! I think I may only do a half-marathon this first go around - but I will have fun no matter what.

    I LOVE the idea that your entire family is involved! What a great way to foster the love of reading.

  4. What a great idea to make it a family affair! Maybe when my son is older...

  5. I love that you'll be doing so much read-aloud stuff! This is the third read-a-thon my daughter's joined me for, but we've never read anything aloud together...we usually just curl up together on the couch and read our own things. And we do a heck of a lot of snacking together, too! Hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful time!

  6. What fun! I loved the read-a-thon last time but I am bowing out this time since I am pregnant and don't think I can make it with out the sleep. By the time the next one rolls around I won't be getting any sleep anyway so maybe I'll be able to participate. :-)
    Have fun!

  7. I love that you're making this a family event! I don't have kiddos and hubby doesn't read, but I've been trying to talk my mom and brother into coming over and reading for a bit.

    19 hours is still fantastic!! The most I've been able to make it is 22, but I'm going to try hard for that 24 this time.

  8. I think it's so cool that you've made this a family event. I thought about adding "Hunger Games" to my list of Read-a-thon books too, but I hesitated since it's such a thick book. I suppose there's still time to change my mind! Dewey's Read-a-Thon here we come!

  9. You are organized, aren't you? That's wonderful. I wish you luck with the read-a-thon!

  10. That is so wonderful that you are making it a family event!! I am sure it is something they will remember for a very long time!

  11. So glad you're participating! And I'm very impressed that you're donating to charity. :D

  12. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I love that the read-a-thon will be a family affair for you. What a great way for every one to spend the day together. Happy reading and 'see' you Saturday.

  13. I still don't know if I will participate. I've not been able to be a part of it yet so I want to. It will probably be a last minute decision for me. Good luck and have fun!

  14. I think it's great that you're making this a family event! Wish I could participate, but we had previous plans. I'll give it a try next time. Good luck and have fun!

  15. Great list -- hope you have fun reading this weekend.

  16. I can tell you and your family are going to do great for the readathon. Good luck.

  17. I think it's so fun that you're including your kids in the read-a-thon. Fun.

    Good luck tomorrow!

  18. Oh, I have to recommend "The Hunger Games." It is amazing. If I were your family, I would read a chapter at a time between other books to increase the suspense.

    Have fun!

  19. It is totally awesome that this is a family event for you!

  20. I can tell you and your family are going to do great for the readathon. Good luck.

  21. That is so wonderful that you are making it a family event!! I am sure it is something they will remember for a very long time!
