Friday, June 4, 2010

48 Hour Book Challenge Starting Line

As I sneeze and sniffle this lovely Friday morning, I am ready to begin the 48 Hour Book Challenge hosted by MotherReader.  (If you want to join in, it's not too late!). My chosen 48-hour block sits between 9 a.m today and  9 a.m Sunday.  I'm not reading continuously or anything--I am after all human and I have various events to attend the next couple of days.  But I am looking forward to reading A LOT, and I'm excited to read several children's and YA books that I've wanted to get to for a while (out of the 30 I check out of the library.  I couldn't help myself.)   I will attempt to tweet, but I'm not sure when I'll do updates on this blog.  Maybe just when I feel like it.  Have fun, those of you who are participating!


  1. At least you have a good excuse (sniffle) to stay on the couch and read. I love the idea of chain reading-- it's exactly what I do! Have fun with the challenge.

  2. Hope you feel better soon! And best of luck in your goals.

  3. hope you feel better and you have a great weekend of reading!

  4. I have cramps, so that's been a nice excuse to sit and read as well! Have some hot tea? I think I'd like some soon.

  5. Maybe some in-bed reading time will help you get well. Have fun and drink lots of fluids! (What my mother STILL says to me, though I'm in my 30's...)

  6. Hope you feel better as you make your way through the book pile.

  7. Hope you feel better soon. Keep reading! No giving up!

    And in between sneezes, come and cheer me on at

  8. Hope you are feeling better on this second day and if not, I trust the reading is going well anyway and you're enjoying your choices! All the best to you!
