Sunday, June 6, 2010

48 Hour Book Challenge Completed

What a wonderful 48 hours! I've learned that sometimes I'm in the zone for these readathons, and sometimes I'm not. This time it was exactly what my brain wanted to do! Not that my numbers are overly impressive--another thing I've learned is that I'm not good at keeping track of time, especially towards the end. I'm not really in it for the stats anyway, I just love setting aside a block of time exclusively for reading.
I read for about 22 hours, which included some Twitter time and some blog visiting done at random times throughout the weekend.   Here's what was read:

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne
The Silent Boy by Lois Lowry
Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko
Countdown by Deborah Wiles
Trading Faces by Julia DeVillers (finished with 11-year-old daughter)
I listened to a couple of hours of Guests of the Ayatallah by Mark Bowden, and started The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson
My 15-year-old daughter also finished My Lost and Found Life by Melody Bowsher.

I'm looking forward to doing more visiting in the coming week to find out how everyone did and what great books are recommended.  Oh, and I suppose I should do some reviews.  It's good timing for the Bloggiesta coming up next weekend, June 11-13.  I'm not sure if I will be able to participate yet, but I am hoping to!  I have a lot of little tasks I would like to accomplish, and this event makes it fun.

*For the 48 Hour Book Challenge, we will be donating to Love 146, an organization my daughter heard about at her high school that she has become involved with.


  1. Congrats on your 22 hours :) I'll take a peek and see what Bloggiesta is too. I've not heard of it before.

  2. You're welcome! Thanks for playing!

  3. I only caught the tail end of Bloggiesta last January... won't be able to participate this go around, which is why I focused more on writing reviews than reading during my 48 hours.

    Still, sounds like you had a good time!

  4. You got a lot of reading done!

  5. Well done - I couldnt do this one but I really enjoyed the 24 hour one.

  6. Congratulations! 22 hours, that's a lot. I got to 16 hours, which I thought was a lot (but I didn't use audio books so with some things that I HAD to do, I couldn't "read").
