Thursday, June 25, 2009

Words of a Reader

I have been hoping my 10-year-old daughter would catch the reading bug eventually. She was a very early reader, and I just assumed that went hand in hand with loving to read--wrong! I do try to be realistic and remember that just because I'm obsessed with reading, my kids won't necessarily be, and that's okay (maybe even good :-)). But she's finally caught it. I loved this note I found on the white board a couple of days ago:

Of course my son had to go in a little later and do some editing:

I'm happy to report that she got the book from school and finished it last night.


  1. This is so totally adorable. It gave me a giggle. Thanks.

  2. LOL! Kids are so funny! I'm glad she's starting to love reading!

  3. Hysterical! That's so cool. I especially like your son's "correction" :D

  4. Isn't it wonderful when they loved to read? My youngest (now 20) is an avid reader and we love to share with each other.

  5. Kids are so entertaining.My teenager had never ever finished reading a book.So much for genetics!

  6. I feel for Jeremy trying to make his way and cut out his own niche in a house full of girls! I love that Anna is loving reading. I hope when my son turns 10 that he will finally be bitten by the reading bug...

  7. That's great! I hope my daughter loves to read as much when she's grown a bit bigger (still picture books for her)

  8. That's so fun! It's so great to have kids who read!
