Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So Brave, Young and Handsome

Author: Leif Enger
Narrated by: Dan Woren
Originally published : 2008 (Random House Audio)
Length: 8.5 hours
Personal Enjoyment Rating: 3.5/5
Amazon Rating: 4/5 (103 Customer Reviews)
Goodreads: 898 ratings, 3.69 average rating

This is a tough review to write because it is an audio book that I listened to at the beginning of the year and my memory is hazy. I had tried to take notes while listening, but decided that's just too impractical. Audio books are my housework survival tool, and it was difficult to stop and dry soap bubbles off my hands to go and type a chapter summary. (I do have incomplete notes from the first half.) I'll just share my general impressions of the novel.

The story is about Monte Becket, a struggling writer living in Minnesota in the early 1900's. He meets the enigmatic outlaw Glendon Hale, who wants to return to Mexico to make amends with his wife that he left many years before. The restless and frustrated Becket joins him, and they encounter a few adventures along the way.

I neither hated this book nor would wholeheartedly recommend it. While the writing is excellent, the story didn't make a big impression on me. I loved Peace Like a River, which I still think about from time to time. This one has sort of turned to mush in my mind. Monte's personal quest throughout the book kind of reminded me of the movie City Slickers--trying to find that "one thing" that matters. I will anxiously await another book by Enger, because I do enjoy his style of writing and the mood he is able to create. I'm holding out for another one like Peace Like a River. I know it's coming!

Other thoughts:
Book Nook Club
Shelf Love (with a discussion about audio books)
Thoughts of Joy
As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves
Bloggin' 'bout Books

If you have a review that I missed, let me know!


  1. Audiobooks are my housework survival tool, too. Washing dishes is so much better when you have something to listen to.

  2. I guess you can't love them all. Housework has definitely become more fun with audiobooks.

  3. I also listened to this audiobook and did not enjoy it. I found that I really didn't like listening to the guy reading the story either. Oh well...what to do! I haven't read Peace Like a River yet, but it sounds like I probably should.
