Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Video Review: Gossamer by Lois Lowry (2006, 3 hrs., 30 min.)

My children decided to do a talk-show format review of this one, having listened to it in the car. My plan was to edit out anything too goofy, but then it would have only been about 10 seconds long. So anyways, here it is--very unscripted, very silly, and hopefully somewhat informative:


  1. Too much fun! What a great idea!

  2. What a cute idea. Your kids are adorable and funny. Entertaining and informative review! I think your oldest would make a great talk show host.

  3. That was really fun. What a great way to get kids involved with the book!

  4. That was so fun. Your boy was hilarious. And I loved the reasoning for 3.5 stars - it was just a bit better than so-so. Exactly. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Your kids are awesome. I bet you have so much fun with them. Thanks for sharing.
