Saturday, April 10, 2010

Readathon Update Fourth Hour

So far I have been reading these two books that are polar opposites--one is dripping with cynicism, and the other syrupy sweet.  But I'm enjoying them both. 


  1. An interesting mix for sure! I read Anne's House of Dreams a few months back. I don't know if I like grown up Anne as much as girl Anne.
    Still on my first book. It is okay. Am getting lots of interruptions from kids and husband.

  2. WOW! That is 2 totally different books but good idea! WTG on 4 hours down :)

  3. I like books
    I really do.
    Books with stories
    And pictures, too. (Author unknown)

    Hope you're enjoying everyone you meet and everywhere you go in your reading today.

  4. Great idea...when one gets to be too much, just grab the other...evens out nicely! By the way, just found your blog...having tons of fun reading. :)

  5. I spent many of my read-a-thon hours reading The Brothers Karamazov as well, but not enough...I still have 50 pages or so to go, and I was so hoping I'd have it finished by this weekend.
