Saturday, April 10, 2010

Readathon "Feed Me Seymour" Mini-Challenge

Nicole of Linus' Blanket is hosting this challenge about food in your reading. Here's one food-related passage I have come across:

Anne's House of Dreams
L.M. Montgomery
"Mrs. Rachel had make and brought with her an enormous plum pudding. Nothing could have convinced Mrs. Rachel that a college graduate of the younger generation could make a Christmas plum pudding properly..." Pg.89

Here is what I presume to be a proper plum pudding:


  1. I have never had plum pudding before... I only know what it is because of books! lol

  2. Now there is something I would have never imagined thinking of plumcake!

  3. Looks like you are making great headway
    Keep up the reading, don’t let that head sway
    Eyes on the page and coffee in hand
    You’ll be entering a new land.


  4. Not what I envisioned plum pudding looking like!

    Readathon! Readathon! Rah rah rah!
    Readathon! Readathon! Rah rah rah!
    Readers got the books
    I’ve got a cheer
    You get to read all day
    I know you’ll persevere

  5. Now there is something I would have never imagined thinking of plumcake!
