Thursday, December 4, 2008

Weekly Geeks #27 - Remembering Dewey

When I first read the sad news of Dewey's passing, I thought of this post of hers:

"The other day, I came across this short conversation from January of this year. Obviously, I censored people’s names.

Friend 1: Say, Friend 2, I think we may have discussed this before but are you a strictly nonfiction type of person, or is that just what you’re reading right now?

Friend 2: I basically don’t have time to read fiction.

Dewey: I would give up sleep, food, and conversation with other humans before fiction. I would almost definitely choose being homeless before choosing to be fictionless. I’m thinking about water. That would give me only three remaining days for fiction, but could be worth it."

I sometimes have wondered if I knew I only had a few months or a year to live, would I spend so much time reading or would I want to do other things? I don't really have an answer for that yet, but Dewey seems to have known that reading and bringing other book lovers together is what brought joy into her life, and it makes me happy to know that she spent her last time in this life doing what she loved.

I have only been a visitor to Dewey's blog for about six months or so, but I will miss an extraordinary blog author who so unabashedly reveled in geekhood, organized a hundred or more insane readers to read for 24 consecutive hours twice a year, and ingeniously organized the Bookworms Carnival for the blogging community to share their reviews. This is a picture she had chosen for one of her latest giveaway posts, and to me it is a beautiful visual representation of what she has accomplished:

Becky, who organized this Weekly Geeks tribute, has a list of links to other posts here.


  1. I have never visited Dewey's blog but I can tell from all you bloggers that she will be missed greatly. I can tell she was definetly a kindred spirit from her post.

  2. Beautiful tribute! That post was one my favourites of Dewey's.

  3. That was a beautiful and fitting picture. Thanks for sharing!

  4. A lovely tribute. I'm so thankful that we got to share what she loved most with her.
