Wednesday, December 10, 2008

9 Books for 2009 Challenge

It's challenges like this that keep me hangin' on--for better or worse--to the pursuit of blogging. Despite previous thoughts of quitting, I have at least 10 challenges I cannot resist joining. I refuse to take personal responsibility for my actions--these challenge hosts make it impossible to pass up such fun and creative themes!

This challenge (details and rules can be found at the challenge blog) was like a scavenger hunt for me. It was fun looking through my bookshelves for books that fit the different categories. Here are my picks:

Free (gift, ARC, etc.): Trespassers Will Be Baptized by Elizabeth Emerson Hancock
Dusty (had it for 3 years or more): Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
Used (bought it used): The Bourne Ultimatum by Robert Ludlum
Long (whatever you consider long): Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell by Susanna Clarke
Letter (your name and book share a letter): Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Strange (Out of your comfort zone): The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith
Cover (prettiest or ugliest): Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Alive or Not (Nominated or won an award): A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley
Distance (author's birthplace or setting over 1,000 miles away): Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell

Thank you, Isabel from Books and Other Stuff for hosting this challenge!


  1. I look forward to your thoughts on Cranford and A Thousand Acres. (One I loved, one not so much.) :-P I've been thinking I should read the Bourne books one of these days.

  2. I like this challenge too because it's pretty random!

  3. I loved searching for these!! I'm gonna post as soon as I get it together. I am like you, taking no responsibility for what happens...I've also got about 10 challenges that I couldn't resist.

  4. This sounds like a really fun challenge. I promised myself I would limit my challenges for '09 but I bet I can fit this one in! LOL
    You have some books on your list that I really enjoyed, I hope you like them too (memoirs of a geisha is one of my favorites, beautiful book).

  5. Oh, I don't think I've posted my list for this challenge yet. I'll work on it and get it posted this weekend.

    I really loved some of the books on your list. Hated one. Haven't heard of one.

    I'm looking forward to what you think!

  6. Sounds like fun but I"m not sure I can participate because it says only 3 books can be used for other challenges, and I"m in the 100+ challenge next year. I'm going to have trouble getting to 100, much less 106. I left her a question on the challenge blog, asking if the 100+ possibly didn't count as a specific challenge...we'll see. If it doesn't, if it's okay for all my 9 to count towards that one, I'm in!

  7. Thanks for joining.

    I'm looking forward to your reviews.
