Monday, June 9, 2008

What's In A Name Reading Challenge Completed!

I think this was the first challenge I signed up for, hosted by Annie of "Words by Annie."
The challenge was to pick a book with a title that fit each of the six themes. Here's what I have read for each theme, along with links to reviews:

My favorites were Gathering Blue, Goose Girl and Veil of Roses.

I remember when I signed up for this challenge, I had a schedule of when I would read each one--every other month throughout the year. That was new book blogger naivete, as well as being unrealistic to think that I would stick to any sort of schedule, being a very haphazard reader by nature. I like to go wherever my mood takes me and that can be very unpredictable. Anyways, I loved this challenge and the different themes to pick books from so much that I ignored my schedule. Thanks, Annie!


  1. Chain-Reading is such a great name for what we do! Congratulations on completing your challenge.

  2. Congratulations! With all of these that we tend to sign up for, it feels sooooo good to finish one!


  3. I've only signed up for a couple of challenges but I can't seem to get focused on them. If I want to finish them I'm going to have to start concentrating on it.

  4. I enjoyed Veil of Roses especially with the "camera" view on life. Great book!
    Say hi to K for me!!!

  5. I read your review of A Wind In the Door and I agree, it was not that great. The next one in that series is called Many Waters and that one I loved. Although Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace aren't really in it, the story is very exciting. Sandy and Dennys find themselves in the time of Noah just before the flood. They interact with Noah and Japheth. It was a little less sci-fi, a little more Bible than the others but I liked it very much.
