Saturday, December 29, 2007

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry

This novel begins in a graveyard of sorts where Kira has spent four days watching her mother die, leaving her an orphan in a post-apocalyptic society devoid of compassion. With a twisted leg she has had since birth, she attempts to negotiate with her hostile neighbors to keep her land and a place in society despite her handicap. This leads her to the Council of Guardians, who take her in because of her talent for embroidery. She is commissioned to make repairs on the special robe of The Singer, one who retells their history each year at The Gathering. As she works, she maintains an affectionate friendship with Matt, one of the few members of the society who shows compassion towards others, and meets Thomas, who is also kept by the council because of a special talent. As the story unfolds, Kira, Thomas, and Matt make discoveries that lead them to question the motives of the Council in controlling their creativity and to discover that there may be a better way of life beyond their borders.
Although Gathering Blue lacks the impact and depth of The Giver, the Newbery-winning companion novel, it is still an excellent book. I love Lowry's writing style and the mood she creates. I am looking forward to reading Messenger, the final book in the set.


  1. Santa put Gathering Blue in my stocking, and I'm looking forward to reading it. But I'm going to re-read The Giver first.

  2. I wished I had reread The Giver before I read this--I have such a bad memory!

  3. Thanks for the great review! I'm going to be reading The Giver this month, and am really excited about it. If I love it as much as everyone else seems to, I'm sure Gathering Blue will make its way to my TBR pile, too.

  4. I didn't realize their was a sequel to The Giver...and looks like a third, The Messenger, also. Where have I been...
    Good review!

  5. Nice review! I'm glad she found without compassion is unimaginable, ya know?
