Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekly Geeks #6

This is my first time participating in Weekly Geeks, hosted by Dewey of The Hidden Side of a Leaf. I couldn't resist, it just has my name written all over it! This weeks theme is to create some sort of photo collection that represents our love of books and reading.

This first picture is of my beloved bookcase. I got it for my birthday last year, and it holds my small but special book collection. I am mostly a library-book-reader, but I will buy a book if my library doesn't have it, or some of these are books that I really loved and bought when I was younger. I keep some library books in the basket on the lower right, but a lot of times they are in various places in the house (like in kids' rooms where we sometimes have frantic searches.)

This is not a great picture, but I bought these plate holders on clearance for four dollars each, and decided to use them to display books, as well as a couple of plates. Eventually I would like to decorate my whole family room with a reading theme, but lately I spend too much time reading to accomplish that :-).

This is my newly reorganized nightstand. At the end of my review of Organizing From the Inside Out, I mentioned that my next task was to master the chaos of my nightstand. This is the result, and has worked wonderfully for about a month. I'm usually reading a few books at a time, and this is where I usually keep them, because I never know what mood I'll be in at night (for the whole three minutes before I fall asleep!)

This picture is from last September, and I was just so happy to see everyone quietly reading together that I took a picture. My kids do like to read, but this is a rare, peaceful scene:

One cool thing about Weekly Geeks is that you are supposed to post a link to another geek's site, and I am linking to Confuzzled Books. I love the name of the blog, and there are pictures of a very cute dog!


  1. What a clever idea to use the plate holders to display books!
    And I like the picture of the kids reading.

  2. I like the plate holder idea too. I think I would be too embarrassed to participate in this Weekly Geeks because my book shelfs are a mess. But I'm going to think about it.

  3. I love your bookcase, and the photo of everyone reading. :)

  4. I like the picture of the book-er-plate holders.

  5. Thanks for the link. I am participating in Weekly Geeks for the first time also.
    The plate holder is a great idea!

    Shannon of Confuzzled Books

  6. The plate holder thing is BRILLIANT! I think I'll have to try that ... but then, how to decide which books to display?! :)

  7. I love the plate holder display as well - what a creative idea! My MIL decorated her "Grandkids Room" with a reading theme, and it is SOOO cute. I think it's a fun theme for a room, any room.

  8. I just love your house! Where is you bookcase? I don't remember seeing it?

  9. Loved your post and linked to it on mine!

  10. I linked to you too...because I use the word "cool" a bit much too!

  11. What a wonderful use for the plate holders!

  12. What an awesome picture with everyone reading!!!

  13. Loved the plate holder idea. When my oldest moves out , we are turning her room into a library. Thanks for the great idea.

  14. Yep. I'm totally going to steal the plate holder idea. Great blog.

  15. Yep. I'm totally going to steal the plate holder idea. Great blog.

  16. Loved the plate holder idea. When my oldest moves out , we are turning her room into a library. Thanks for the great idea.
