Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Read-a-thon Pile, and a recipe

I need to post the traditional pile of books for Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-thon so that I will stop adding to it!  I've been to three different libraries today, not to mention a few other trips here and there.  The "good" news is that my closest library is closed on Fridays.  One less distraction tomorrow while I jam Friday's and Saturday's tasks into one day.  

Here they are:

It's only about five times as many books as I will have time to read, but a variety of moods might surface that day and I need to be prepared.

For the first time all of my kids will be home and able to participate for at least some of the day.  They, however, don't have piles.  They would never be so weird, they claim.

We usually donate to an organization based on the number of pages we all read together, but this year the read-a-thon falls on the day of our city's annual Empty Bowls Dinner, a fundraiser for the Settlement House.  We will go and enjoy soup donated by local restaurants served in  hand-painted bowls that we get to keep, and the money raised will provide  food and programs for the low-income families and individuals in our community.  Win-win!

Speaking of food, spinach-artichoke dip is something of a tradition for us  for the read-a-thon.  It's actually a Weight Watchers recipe.  No guilt--if you eat only one serving.  But we just eat it because it's good.

Zesty Spinach-Artichoke Dip
Serves 8 (or 2 if it's us)

2 (14 oz.) cans artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
1 (10 oz.) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
1 cup grated Romano cheese
1 cup low-fat mayo
1/2 cup light sour cream
1/2 small onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

Mix everything in a crock pot and cook on High for 1-2 hours or Low for 3-4.  Serve warm.

A 1/2 cup serving is 135 calories, 3 Weight Watchers points

The chips you eat with it are calorie-free, of course.


  1. There are so many good books on that pile!! I read 84 Charing Cross Road last year during Readathon and it went really fast. I really love Ella Minnow Pea, The Old Man and the Sea, Candide, P&P&Z, and Sleepy Hollow, and while I didn't love it, American Born Chinese was certainly fast and different. :)

  2. Great pile with lots of variety!

    I adored American Born Chinese when I read it a few years ago. I've got some graphic novels in my pile, too, because they were very helpful last year in the wee hours of the morning.

    I bought some frozen spinach-artichoke dip after your previous read-a-thon post. I'm sure it won't be as good as yours! :)

  3. I love your stack! I noticed someone else reading Ella Minnow Pea for the read-a-thon, and I'm intrigued. And 84 Charing Cross Road is one of the audio books I have on hand! It'll be fun to compare notes.

    I'll have to try your dip at some point but I'm not sure all the ingredients are easily found in a small town in Scotland. (Artichoke hearts, very exotic.)

  4. I totally geeked out on your readathon pile! It's kind of awesome to gather the pile of books and see them all together, like looking at a bunch of presents piled under a tree.

    Thanks for the recipe too, I'll to save it for in the future since I already did my readathon food purchasing (hello mini-quiches!).

  5. Shelley, your post has released me from feeling like such an underachiever! I was wondering, how can someone read so many books in 24 hours? Your explanation of stacking the books you might want to read is more plausible. Whew! Okay, so I can go ahead and stack my books and include them in my post. Oh, and The Old Man and the Sea is one of them. And the dip sounds divine!

  6. That is a great pile of books to choose from and yummy recipe!

  7. Oh my gosh, I am drooling over your spinach and artichoke dip. I wish I had the ingredients for it! I will definitely have to scrounge around my house to see what I can make to snack on tomorrow.

  8. Nice collection of books. For some reason, though I've never read it, P&P&Z seems like a perfect book for a read-a-thon.

    - Christy

  9. I have got to get over the idea that I need to get to all of my books. Also, I need to get a grip on the size of books I read! Taking a couple of tips from you!

  10. I liked The Actor and the Housewife a lot -- way more than I was expecting to.

    Getting ready to post my stack!

  11. You have a really interesting stack of books there! I love, love artichoke dip and will have to give this one a try. Good luck on the read-a-thon!

  12. What a great pile! Good luck on the readathon! Your dip recipe and mine are almost the same (but I add in fresh-grated Parmesan cheese and use cream cheese in place of the mayo, since I' allergic to eggs) ... makes me want to cook some up :)

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  13. What a great stack of books you have to choose from today! And you're totally making me crave spinach-artichoke dip now! Good luck, I hope you have a great read-a-thon!

  14. Looks like you have a few too many books there, but great books they are!

    Have fun reading!

  15. Have fun reading! :D

  16. Dewey's Readathon is finally here,
    I'm full of words and good cheer
    (and snacks and drinks and sleep deprivation)
    Hoping to give you motivation!
