Monday, October 4, 2010

24-Hour Read-a-thon Coming Soon!

Like many of you out there, this Saturday, October 9, I will be participating in

which will be preceded by a 
12-Hour Clean-a-thon

and followed by a 
6-Hour Bike-a-thon.

I'm counting down the days to excessive reading and gluttonous spinach-artichoke dip eating.  Who's with me?


  1. I'm looking forward to it, too! I would like to compile my stack of books soon and take a picture.

    I'm thinking of allowing myself no reading in the 24 hours before, with the exception of one book that I'm working through (Becoming a Life Change Artist -- I've been talking a lot about it on my blog) that needs a lot of reflection time. Otherwise, I'm hoping to accomplish other tasks during the day on Friday -- phone calls, address changes, bills, journaling, letter to my brother for his birthday etc. :0

    Happy reading!

  2. Excessive reading and gluttonous spinach-artichoke dip eating?

    I'm so there! :)

  3. BINGO! I needed a snack inspiration. That's going on my list!

    I'll be hosting a mini-challenge this time around. Hope you can stop by!

    (Found your blog searching for Read-A-Thon posts!)

  4. I signed up for the read-a-thon a few weeks ago. This will be my first. The dip sounds amazing!

  5. I'm in! I've not done the Dewey read-a-thon before but I've done one or two others.

    I'm looking forward to this (have for weeks!). I'm going to make sure I get a lot of sleep the two nights beforehand, and then we'll see how it goes.

    I got my books ready to be read, too!

  6. I'm going to participate, but I'm going to choose really easy, fun books (maybe all young adult fiction?) that are easy to put down and pick back up. I won't really be able to do 24 hours because I will be taking care of James, but I will at least commit to not sitting and vegging at all during the 24 hours! :)


  7. Buffy,
    I may try to not read at all the day before, but I don't know if I have that much willpower! I'll be watching out for the picture of your books.

    Maybe that's what heaven will be like?

    Just a few more days now!

    I'll be sure to check out your mini-challenge!

    I hope you have fun for your first readathon. The dip I'm making is yummy and it's a Weight Watchers recipe. Of course I eat a ton of tortilla chips with it which kind of defeats the purpose!

    That's a good idea to prep with a couple of good nights' sleep. I hope it works. I've only stayed up the whole time once. It was so much fun, but I haven't been able to do it since.

    I'm so freakishly excited that someone I know in person is doing this! I don't even try to do the 24 hours anymore, and that day I have a dinner and a baby shower to go to. I just love the idea of a special day devoted to reading. What could be better?

  8. I'm with you! Yummy, artichoke dip! Now I'm craving that too!

  9. Thanks for your comment earlier. The clean-a-thon also sounds like a smart idea. I need some snacking inspiration too! Good luck with your preparations!
