Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rapunzel's Revenge

Authors: Shannon and Dean Hale
Illustrator: Nathan Hale
Published: 2008
Length: 144 pages
Personal Enjoyment Rating: 3.5/5
Amazon Rating: 4.5/5 (20 Customer Reviews)
Goodreads: 1,039 ratings, 3.75 average rating

Who ever knew that hair could be such an effective weapon? Rapunzel's got serious killer braids in this fairy tale retelling set in the Wild West of all places. This was my very first graphic novel, and it took me a few pages to get used to looking at pictures instead of reading a lot of words, which I know must work different parts of my brain! The story is very original, with a strong female role model, swashbuckling adventures, and a little bit of romance. I almost always had one of my kids looking over my shoulder while I was reading it--they were fascinated. I've obviously been holding out on them by not introducing them to graphic novels yet!


  1. I'm hesitant to read graphic novels, but enjoyed Hale's The Goose Girl so might give this a try once I've finished reading her other novels. I like how she retells fairy tales with strong female protagonists and not just sleeping beauties.

  2. Looks good. I read my first GN this year and I grew to really like them.

  3. I've heard this is cute and fun. We've had two people review it so far on our group. I'll get around to it one day.

  4. I thought this book was adorable. My daughter is fixated with graphic novels after reading this one too!

  5. I also had a hard time getting used to looking at the pictures verses reading the words. I hope you don't mind, but I posted a link to your review at the bottom of mine.

  6. i got this one from the library. hopefully i'll get to it soon. i've read a handful of graphic novels to date - and i've really enjoyed them.

    i don't remember how old your kids are - but you might want to check out Fashion Kitty with them. it was my first exposure to graphic novels. i've read two of them (i'm not sure if there are more in the series yet) and thought they were delightful!

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, too! My kids kept dragging this one off every time I set it down, darn them, and then I'd have to go hunt for it before I could keep reading! :-)

    I echo Alisonwonderland's sentiments about Fashion Kitty - she's a huge hit with my 8 and 10-year-olds, and they also both love Baby Mouse. (And so do I.)
