Monday, June 6, 2011

48 Hour Book Challenge Finish...

This is about how I feel about my reading this weekend.  I had been so excited about the book challenge ever since MotherReader announced it and thought that since it was the weekend after school got out it would work out perfect.  I had a beautiful stack of books and very high hopes.  But many things kept me too busy to even reach my goal of 12 hours of reading--haircuts, laundry, errands, cooking, church stuff, Relay for Life stuff, etc.  I would have prepared better had the previous week not been too busy to get anything done.

Nonetheless, there were some happy things to report:
  • I got to finish Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt.  Loved it, loved it, loved it!!  As usual with his books, I laughed, I cried, and was tickled by the literary allusions.  One of my favorite lines was when Doug says, "Reader, I kissed her.  A quiet walk back we had, she and I." 
  • During the time I was reading, I really enjoyed not being on my feet.  
  • I was able to eat healthy the whole time--no junk food.  Only one Diet Coke, the first one I had had for a couple weeks.
  • I twittered a bit for the first time in over a year.  It was fun especially to find others who were reading what I was reading or reading some of my favorites.  
  • I started listening to The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry.  Cleaning the kitchen today should help me finish it.
  • I set up a Tumblr account.  Haven't done anything with it yet, but hope to keep track of my weight loss and 52-52-52 Challenge that has moved over there.  I need to get going on that because Week 1 is just about at an end.  
Next year will just have to be better!


  1. I'm sorry your weekend didn't go as planned. At least you got a little reading done.

    I joined tumblr too so that I can keep going with the 52-52-52 challenge, but I don't really know what tumblr is yet. I guess I'll eventually figure it out.

  2. I love the picture. It totally depicts that feeling. It still sounds like you got plenty done, just not reading. That's OK.

  3. This is the way most of my reading challenges go: very excited with great expectations, but life always gets in the way :)

    I love the puppy picture!

  4. I hope to read some Gary D. Schmidt this summer-I read raves everywhere.

    I go in streaks with twitter-I just can't get into it all the time but I like it when I'm there.
    Maybe I'm saving myself from being addicted to it.

  5. I hope to read some Gary D. Schmidt this summer-I read raves everywhere.

    I go in streaks with twitter-I just can't get into it all the time but I like it when I'm there.
    Maybe I'm saving myself from being addicted to it.

  6. I love the picture. It totally depicts that feeling. It still sounds like you got plenty done, just not reading. That's OK.
