Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekly Geeks: A Character Comparison

What character do I resemble or relate to the most? 

 Dorothea from Middlemarch

It's probably been about 14 years since I've read Middlemarch, but I remember really identifying with Dorothea--her idealism in the beginning, frustration at wanting to do more than her circumstances would allow, and the things she would analyze in her head.  I'm hoping to reread it for Nymeth's readalong, and see how much I've changed, if at all.

Which character is the opposite of me?

The first thing that came to mind was any of the female characters in the Uglies series.

These girls have guts!! I'm a total wimp.

What character do I wish I could be?

Mrs. Piggle Wiggle

With four kids, I need her wisdom and creative problem-solving talent.  And I wouldn't mind living in her cool house!


  1. Great exercise, and I enjoyed your answers. What caught my eye on your tweet was Dorothea. I also relate to her, and get a bit huffy when other readers complain about her.

    Never read The Uglies, but my daughter loves the series.

    Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle :)

  2. I can hardly remember Dorothea from my reading of that book years ago. I need a re-read too!

    Mrs. Piggle Wiggle... perfect!

    And I agree about the girls from Uglies and etc.

  3. Mrs. Piggle Wiggle is one of my favorites. She and Nanny McPhee have a reserved spot in my writer's heart. :)

  4. I havent read any of these, but I have heard about the first two. Interesting choices!

  5. I'm going to read Middlemarch along with Nymeth (Ana) too!

  6. I'm looking forward to my first read of Middlemarch this summer!

    I loved Mrs Piggle-Wiggle as a child but reread it last year and found it incredibly dated. I was disappointed.

  7. I'm planning on reading Middlemarch for Nymeth's read along. Then I'll know more of which character you've compared yourself to.

  8. I havent read any of these, but I have heard about the first two. Interesting choices!

  9. Great exercise, and I enjoyed your answers. What caught my eye on your tweet was Dorothea. I also relate to her, and get a bit huffy when other readers complain about her.

    Never read The Uglies, but my daughter loves the series.

    Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle :)
