Tuesday, May 11, 2010

48 Hour Book Challenge

Before deciding whether or not to participate in this event hosted by MotherReader, I asked my family at dinner what they thought, and they gave me the thumbs up. I just wondered how many lengthy readathon activities they could tolerate in a year, but evidently they think it's pretty cool. It probably helps that I buy extra treats and am too busy reading to nag about chores. If it bothers my husband, he doesn't show it. I'm pretty lucky!  I've got a few activities that weekend to go to, but I will try to read as much as I can in between.  I suppose I need to be twice as organized as I would need to be for the 24 Hour Readathon. 
You can see details about the challenge here. The main idea is to pick any 48-hour period on the weekend of June 4-6 and read like crazy. She asks that books be fifth grade level and up, and adult books are okay. But I'm ready to forget that I am an adult, and dive into some great children's and YA books. 


  1. I think the 24 hour one wiped me out so think 48 hours might be too much for me ;)

    Glad you left a message on my blog btw so I was able to come here, from The Brothers Karamazov to Leviathan your choices are certainly diverse.

  2. Sounds like a great challenge! I think I might take part in it myself. Great blog :)

  3. I don't think I'd be able to read for 48 hours, I'd love to give it a try though. Unfortunately, I'm unable to get any reading done that weekend :(
