Sunday, November 30, 2008

Barnes and Noble Bliss

I went to Barnes and Noble the other day with a 40% off of one book coupon, and after spending an hour browsing the fiction section A to Z, narrowing it down to about five choices, this caught my eye in the poetry section:

I couldn't resist. I was reading another translation of The Iliad from my library, and in all my geekiness was reading it out loud to myself. Now with this beautiful boxed set, it's almost complete bliss (except of course for the parts about animal sacrifice and the complete lack of thought for the rights of women). I even threw a chocolate bar into to the experience last night (that kind of messed up the read-aloud thing I had going on, but hey, it's chocolate.) Needless to say I'm super excited about my purchase, since I rarely buy brand-new books. I have to keep myself from carassing the covers too much--my husband's getting jealous!


  1. Nice! That is a beautiful set of a couple of great books. Well worth the purchase!


  2. I really enjoyed Fagles' Iliad. Which translation were you reading? Sounds like you were liking the poetry a lot!

  3. That is sooooo cool. My idea of bliss!

  4. Gorgeous set. And Fagles's translation is well respected. Nice find. I still a B&N coupon -- good until next Sunday.

  5. lol that's such a geeky story and it sounds exactly like something I would do!! I love B&N. :D

  6. Nice books! The look great and a good choice, although I haven't read them, they're on my TBR list. I totally browse the book stores for hours. For me its Indigo/Chapters/Coles or my new favourite store BMV. Which has both new and used books for cheap. But I know how you feel when you get a great find on a brand new shiney book. It just looks so nice!

    Also, thanks for the recommendations on my blog. They've been added to the list of recommendations Im getting from people :D. Tree Growing in Broklyn is a book I've always wanted to read.

  7. Oooh Fagles! I went browsing the classics section of Borders the other day, but they only had torn copies of the Odyssey! *shock horror*

  8. Lezlie,
    They are definitely beautiful, and even though I've read the Odyssey before, I'll be rereading it!

    I was reading Richmond Lattimore. Fagles is definitely more straightforward but a little less poetic.

    It's cool and geeky, sort of an oxymoronic thing, I guess!

    Have fun with your coupon! It's hard to pick just one.

    It's good to know there are others out there like me!

    Most people who have read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn have loved it, so hopefully it's a safe bet.


    The Odyssey torn?? Scandalous!

  9. So jealous! :-) I read the Odyssey years ago but never the Iliad. Those are beautiful looking all packaged together in the book sleeve.
    I get most of my books from the library or used so it is always fun to buy something new.
