Saturday, October 22, 2011

24-Hour Readathon - A little late to the party...

My favorite thing about the readathon is getting up at 5 a.m. California time and having a solid chunk of time to read, but I'm in the midst of Part 2 of a cold, and thought it would be best to sleep in so it will go away.  Fingers crossed.

Now that it's almost 9 a.m. in my neck of the woods, things start to get a little busy, but I'm going to squeeze in some reading when I can.  I'm starting with this book:

It's very possible that this is all I will get to, but I've heard it's a lovely book so I think it will make for a wonderful Saturday.  Have fun all of you who are participating!


  1. Enjoy your day of reading, Shelley! It sounds like a blast! Major Pettigrew's Last Stand is on my TBR shelf, and I'll be interested to find out how you've liked it. Read on, my friend! Cheers!

  2. I haven't read Major Pettigrew's Last Stand but I have heard so many nice things about it. Hope you enjoy it and the readathon. Louise (CheerTrix)

  3. Welcome to the party. I should have slept in, but I got up early and will be regretting it I'm sure. What a perfect book you have to read today. Enjoy!

  4. Well, better late than never to the read-a-thon! I've heard good things about Major Pettigrew's Last Stand also. Enjoy!

  5. Sorry about the cold. I slept in too but I don't have a good excuse. ;) I hear good things about that book, enjoy!

  6. That's the same book I'm trying to sneak in today! I hope you enjoy it -- hope you have a great Read-A-Thon!

  7. Welcome to the readathon! Major Pettigrew's Last Stand is the epitome of a cozy book

  8. R! E! A! D!
    Any book that you can see!

    Yuck, sorry you're sick. I hope you feel better soon, and that whatever book(s) you get to today is (are) fantastic!

  9. As much as I dislike waking up so early, the first couple hours of dark & quiet & reading are my favourite, too. Hope you're having a great readathon - and feel better soon!

  10. Do your colds just have two parts, so that means you're at the end of it?! Hope so. But, meantime, enjoy your read-a-thon read anyhow. I've heard that's a lovely story. (I've only read one book today too: we are not alone!)

    Happy reading to you!

    Cheering for you from Team Trix

  11. I hope you feel better soon!

  12. Yes, I really envy your 5 am start time! 7 is fine but it's nice to have a big amount of time before everyone else is up.

    Enjoy the day!!!
