Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Three Year (plus 17 days) Blogoversary and Giveaway

Celebrating my three-year-blogoversary on the actual day of it would be completely out-of-character for me, so here it is, 17 days late.

I've done a bit of reflecting on this past year of blogging, which actually began as a non-blog.  I said farewell in September of 2009, kept quiet (almost) for about six months, and then jumped back in again, in an earnestly laid-back way.  One of the hardest things to give up was reviewing every book I read, but for the most part it's been kinda nice.  

I think sometimes as book bloggers we have a bit of nostalgia for the pre-blogging days, when our reading choices were comparatively haphazard and carefree, but we also find great satisfaction in taking the time to ponder and deconstruct the heck out of a book, and then share it with anyone who will come and visit our own little spot on the net.  With the way I approach my blog now, I feel like I'm getting the best of both worlds.  This year, there are many books I've just read, ravaged, and then tossed aside (it almost sounds obscene!), and others I've spent more time with, taking notes, underlining, writing down thoughts, and wracking my brain to put them into quasi-coherent sentences and paragraphs.  I feel a sense of accomplishment when I hit the post button, and a little bit of a high to see the published result.  Does anyone else feel this way, or do I need to get a life?

The result:  I've read about 100 books in 2010, and only done a full-on review for about 20.    20% (even I can do that math).   In school, that's a failing grade, but for me, in real life, it's a success.  It works for me, and brings me satisfaction and happiness, and I think that's what this is all about, right?

I'm grateful for those who come and visit, and I love to hear your thoughts.  It gives me a warm feeling (and now I'm getting overly sentimental)  and a comfort that I am not alone in my love for books. 

I rarely do giveaways, but because it's a month full of celebration I thought it would be fun.  I'm making it simple (and modest):  a $15 dollar amazon.com gift card, to be sent by email.  All you need to do is leave a comment here with your email address by  December 20, and I will put your name into a hat or something and announce a winner on December 21.   If you feel like it (not required), you can share with me what you find most fulfilling about your own blog.  No need to be a follower or subscriber or anything.  And don't tell anyone about about it, because doesn't that just decrease your odds of winning?

All the photos here are book-related scenes around my house.  If you look closely, you can see dust.


  1. Congratulations on your blogoversary. The thing that I like most about blogging is the exposure to many books that I never would have heard about. It has really opened my eyes to the different genres that are out there.

    teresasreadingcorner at gmail dot com

  2. Wow, three years! That is great!

    I am a sucker for an amazon gift card, so count me in. ;)

    hudsonsmom at hotmail dot com

    What I like best about my blog is kind of a selfish thing--I love the record of what I've read. Without it, it's so hard to remember for sure what I've read, and much more beyond "I did/didn't like it."

  3. Wonderful, congratulations!

    20% is anything but a failure. There is no reason to write about a book if you don't want to, or if you have nothing to say (not that the last one has stopped me).

    (Omit me from the contest, please.)

  4. LOL You're funny. It's so true. I often do the extra entries to supposedly up my chances of winning but really all some of them do is spread the word, adding more entries and decreasing my odds of winning. Thanks for understanding. Why shouldn't your gift go to someone actually reading your post anyways right?

    Congrats on your Blogoversary, mine was in the summer. Here's to another great 3 years.

    I'd love a chance to win, thanks.

  5. I'm with you--just blog about the books you feel like blogging about. Blogging should be fun, a way of sharing, not a chore. What I like about blogging is getting the chance to connect with readers all over the place and discuss books. I've never had much luck with real-life book clubs, so this is a great replacement for me.

  6. Even if you're only reviewing 20% of your books at this point, I'm so glad you came back to blogging Shelley. You were one of my first three book blogging friends and I really missed you. I'm glad you're here.

    Thanks for the giveaway! If I win, my address is amandagignac@gmail.com

    Looking forward to the next year!!

  7. Shelley, I am not a blogger, but I am a huge consumer of blogs. I follow many, many blogs, mostly on Google Reader (including yours) and I greatly admire those bloggers like yourself who share reviews of the books you truly like. Over the last couple of years I've read reviews, added titles to my wish list, ordered titles I just "couldn't wait" to read. Thank you, and your fellow bloggers, for maintaining a blog and helping us book lovers!

  8. Three years!! Congratulations. I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't even know what a blog was three years ago. I don't review every book I read either. There are some books that I just have nothing to say about and I think it's better for me to skip it than write a bunch of nonsense.

    I think the most fulfilling part of my blog is just expressing my thoughts on the books. I don't have any friends or family with whom to discuss books so I enjoy having an outlet for getting my thoughts out. I love the interaction with the other bloggers as well.

    klmickelsen at gmail dot com

  9. Congrats on three years! That's an amazing accomplishment! I love what blogging has done for me. My project has given me a goal and something to work towards. I don't know what I'll do with myself when I finish (create another list I'm sure!)


  10. Congrats on your blogoversary! I've found and learned about more books than I ever would have if I hadn't started blogging!

    twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

  11. Congrats on the blogoversary! I am kind of new to blogging and I hope I last that long lol.
    I think the best thing about blogging for me is talking non-stop about books without anyone asking me to shut-up!

    Thanks for the contest!

  12. congratulations on your blog anniversary!

    I am not a good writer of reviews but I do love to read and I post even though it's not written well lol.. what blogging on books (I don't blog strictly on books) has done for me is get me poor! my tbr pile is high enough to pay my rent a few times over! lol.. but I love it anyway!


  13. I love discovering new books and helping lesser known authors.
    bkhabel at gmail dot com

  14. Yes, I completely see myself in what you described and I’m only blogging since April. For the first time in my life I’m planning what to read next year and by my accounts almost half of it is already reserved for read-alongs, challenges and such. It’ll be a personal experiment as well.

    But you’re right, the sense of accomplishment it great, but for me the most rewarding thing is the book blogging community and the events and people that build it and keep it healthy.

    Happy anniversary!
    Alex (thesleeplessreader[at]gmail.com)

  15. Happy blogiversary! I love always having like-minded folks to chat books with, and so many new recommendations every day (I'll never keep up with them all!)

    jeanenevarez (at) gmail (dot)com

  16. Happy blogiversary! I'm glad you came back, even if in a "laid back" way. :)

    I love talking about books with people who love books just as much as I do, and I love jotting down my thoughts on all the books I've read.

    diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Three years, congrats Shelley! I’m coming up on my 1-year mark, so I’m impressed. It seems like you’ve found a good balance in reviewing books, but still having fun with the blog.

    My e-mail is… avidreader25 [at] gmail [dot] com

  19. Congratulations! I think the best thing about blogging is meeting all these new people from all over the world--and getting to engage in book chat with them! I've learned so much already.

  20. LOL! LOVE your approach to the giveaway. It's my very same philosophy exactly!

    And I love that you've found a balance. I'm still feeling the need to report every book I read, but I don't go into those deep deep reviews, which makes it very doable. And I guess for me, that's still fun, just to say "Hey, I read this book and this is what I thought!"

    But if you read my post from awhile book, you'll know that I do plan on doing things a big differently next year, which mostly means just reading what I want to. Well see how it goes!

    Blogging for is all about the connection, and it still gives me a high. Maybe we ALL need to get a life! :)

    Happy Bloggiversary!

    jenstusue AT yahoo DOT com

  21. Congrats on three years! That's very impressive!

    The thing I find most fulfilling about my blog is being able to share books I love with other people, whether it's other people who love that book or ones who haven't heard of it.

    whatinabox at gmail dot com

  22. Congratulations on your 3 year, 17 day anniversary! I love hitting "Post" and seeing the finished product; it's very rewarding, I think.

    What I find most fulfilling about my blog is the interaction that occurs there. I love reading other people's reactions and opinions. It makes me feel like I'm not reading in a vacuum. For the same reason, I love visiting and commenting on other blogs.

    My email: erinreadsblog {at} gmail {dot} com

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Greatest and most unexpected thing about blogging for me was all of the "friends" I have made. I put that in quotes because my husband says you can't really count people you've never met!

  24. Three years? Congratulations. I've only been blogging for 7 months, but I've come to think of my blog as a book (and random thought) journal. Whenever I start to feel over-committed and stretched to thin, I give myself a break -- I can see where "having" to blog could become a grind, but I'm glad you're here when you want to be.

    If I win, my email is cuc15 at psu dot edu

  25. Sinagarcia@aol.com,
    I just started this book blog, but blogging just helps me get my thoughts in order. I love reading to get away from the chaos of everyday life.

    Feel free to look through my blog at http://bookwormporn.blogspot.com/

  26. Congrats on your three-year anniversary. I have to say, I think your plan -- and not "reviewing" everything -- must be working well! I may have to succumb to that as well, since I'm having a hard time making ends meet right now.

    My favorite part of blogging is discussing books with other readers who read what I like to read!

    My email is Rebecca at Rebeccareid dot com

  27. Congratulations, Shelley! I enjoy being here.

    My blog has only been around for a few months and I feel like it's an ever-changing type. Lots of hard stuff to process these days and so I've been doing a bit of that there as well.

    situationswhereyoumayneedit at gmail dot com

  28. It sounds like I really need to take a note from your book as I try to slow down in 2011 (after having a stop and go year in 2010). You sound very free and I really appreciate that. I read Chain Reading before I set up shop at Trish's Reading Nook and took my own blogging break so I hadn't really realized that you did the same until seeing you again during the readalong.

    I hope 2011 is a really great year for you Shelley!

  29. Congrats on your blogoversary! Even though I review all the books I read, I feel like I'm pretty laid back about it. I rarely highlight anything or write something down while reading, so I don't feel the pressure for it. Sometimes I blog about it right away, sometimes it's several days after the fact.

  30. Congratulations, Shelley! I enjoy being here.

    My blog has only been around for a few months and I feel like it's an ever-changing type. Lots of hard stuff to process these days and so I've been doing a bit of that there as well.

    situationswhereyoumayneedit at gmail dot com

  31. Three years? Congratulations. I've only been blogging for 7 months, but I've come to think of my blog as a book (and random thought) journal. Whenever I start to feel over-committed and stretched to thin, I give myself a break -- I can see where "having" to blog could become a grind, but I'm glad you're here when you want to be.

    If I win, my email is cuc15 at psu dot edu

  32. Congrats on three years! That's very impressive!

    The thing I find most fulfilling about my blog is being able to share books I love with other people, whether it's other people who love that book or ones who haven't heard of it.

    whatinabox at gmail dot com
