Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Giveaway Winner

My goodness! What a day it has been so far: a house filled with kids for a cousin sleepover, Zumba class, constant ant warfare, and getting drenched in the rain during a trip to the store because the milk was frozen. All the while freaking out because Christmas is just four days away. I'm thinking there are some things that just won't get done, and that will be okay. 

I did, however, take a minute to pick a winner with a random number generator and the winner of the $15 amazon.com gift card is Amy from Knit Think. Check out her blog--she's got food, knitting and books!  Congratulations, Amy!  (Amy, for some reason the email address you gave me didn't work, so I used the address that was on the link on your blog.  Let me know if there are any problems.)

Happy Holidays!  Now I need to pay attention to some dough for cinnamon rolls that is about three times the size it's supposed to be . . .

***Edit:  In a moment of all-too-usual ditziness, I failed to put Amy's book blog link:   New Century Reading. ***


  1. I got it, and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

    My book blog is here: www.newcenturyreading.com

  2. Amy,
    Obviously I was having some sort of brain shutdown! I tried to put in your web address for your email address. I'm losing it! And then I couldn't find your book blog, and it was right there all along. I'm not telling my kids about this, they would make fun of me for hours.
