Thursday, September 9, 2010

R. I. P. V

You've heard about it.  It's irresistible.  I'm around the 190th person to sign-up.  Here are my possible reading choices for Peril the First:

1.  The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
2.  And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
3.  Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
4.  I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
5.  The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
6.  The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
7.  The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tay
8.  The Spy Who Came in From the Cold by John le Carre
9.  The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
10.  A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin


  1. Yes, it proved irresistabl4 to me, too! :) You have a great list there. We have one book in common, The Woman in White is also on my short list:


  2. LOL wow I can't believe how many people have signed up for this already! That's fantastic. :D

    I love your choices. I read And Then There Were None earlier this year and it was great!

  3. It's crazy how popular this challenge is! It's a lot of fun, though. :) Good luck tackling your list!

  4. I can't believe I still have never read The Spy Who Came In From The's long been on my list. Loved Something Wicked This Way Comes, and I tried Clash of Kings after loving A Game of Thrones, but got buried in the 9,000 character. I think I'd left too large a gap between reading the first and the second in that series! Best to you, Shelley.

  5. What a great mix of books you've got! I keep pondering this one but I think I'm going to have to skip it again this year, sadly.

  6. I've signed up, too, but you're way further ahead at picking books.

  7. Great list! I loved The Woman in White.

  8. Thats a really great list as I have either read them and enjoyed them or they are on my TBR list LOL

    I enjoyed the Haunting of hill house but was a little WTF at the end and something wicked this way comes is exellent.

  9. Tiina,
    I'm so excited about Woman in White! I liked The Moonstone, and I've heard this one is even better.

    And Then There Were None will be my first Agatha Christie. I've heard it's often considered her best. I hope I get to it!

    R.I.P is such a fun challenge and get me in the mood for Halloween. I'm having trouble waiting to decorate!

    I just recently finished Game of Thrones, so I should probably get to Clash of Kings before I forget what happens!

    Sometimes challenges just don't fit into life, do they? I've passed so many up this year with longing, so I'm excited to go for this one!

    Texas Red,
    Picking the books is so much fun. We'll just see how well I stick to the list! I've already started one that's not even on it--The Thirteenth Tale.

    I'm anxious to get to Woman in White!

    I've already had a few questionable moments in Haunting of Hill House! I'm curious about the ending now.

  10. This is actually the first I've heard of this challenge, but it looks like a pretty fun one! I really like books 2, 3, and 4 on your list although it's been a while since I've read any Christie. I've heard nothing but great things about The Woman in White as well, definitely have to add that one to my own TBR!

  11. Nice selection! I'll look forward especially to your review of I Am Legend and A Clash of Kings :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  12. Nice selection! I'll look forward especially to your review of I Am Legend and A Clash of Kings :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. Tiina,
    I'm so excited about Woman in White! I liked The Moonstone, and I've heard this one is even better.

    And Then There Were None will be my first Agatha Christie. I've heard it's often considered her best. I hope I get to it!

    R.I.P is such a fun challenge and get me in the mood for Halloween. I'm having trouble waiting to decorate!

    I just recently finished Game of Thrones, so I should probably get to Clash of Kings before I forget what happens!

    Sometimes challenges just don't fit into life, do they? I've passed so many up this year with longing, so I'm excited to go for this one!

    Texas Red,
    Picking the books is so much fun. We'll just see how well I stick to the list! I've already started one that's not even on it--The Thirteenth Tale.

    I'm anxious to get to Woman in White!

    I've already had a few questionable moments in Haunting of Hill House! I'm curious about the ending now.
