"That's a heavy one," the clerk commented. Yeah. It's a clunker alright. I could probably use it for some triceps presses or as a meat tenderizer. And forget about bathtub reading.
A Song of Fire and Ice is just one of a few epic fantasy series I have started in the last year or so, but when I find out the level of commitment involved (Wheel of Time--12 books? Whatever happened to the idea of a trilogy?), I get cold feet. Am I ready for that kind of relationship? How long can the honeymoon phase really last?
And so I find myself hesitant to go beyond the first book in the following series:
The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time, Book 1)
Personal Enjoyment Factor: 3/5 (Based on audio edition)
My memory of this one is sketchy. I listened to it on audio over a year ago, and I regret having listened to it rather than read the print copy. Although I love audio books, I've learned that when it comes to new worlds, I need to go at a slower pace until I have a good sense of all of the details and characters.
I do remember dreams, wolves, powerful women, and lots of names. These may or may not be important aspects of the story. It has a sort of Lord of the Rings feel to it Needless to say, if I do go on with the series, I will probably need to reread the first one, adding another 685 pages to the total. If I continue to read, here's what I'm looking at:
Other books in the series and number of pages
The Great Hunt (681)
The Dragon Reborn (624)
The Shadow Rising (1008)
The Fires of Heaven (912)
Lord of Chaos (1024)
A Crown of Swords (896)
The Path of Daggers (704)
Winter's Heart (800)
Crossroads of Twilight (704)
Knife of Dreams (860)
The Gathering Storm (783)
Grand total of pages: 8,996
Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth, Book 1)
Personal Enjoyment Factor: 4/5
I was pretty much unaware of this set of books until I happened upon the television series Legend of the Seeker on Netflix Intant Play. After a few episodes I decided I wanted to try out the books first. Although there is little resemblance between the show and the book, I couldn't help but picture the actors and actresses in my mind. This worked rather well for me when it came to Richard (played by Australian actor Craig Horner).
The evil in Richard's world is so twisted. The token bad guy Darken Rahl is a supreme sicko. Rahl's followers find pleasure in torture and manipulation. This all is tempered by a bit of humor, but I still felt like I needed an Anne of Green Gables pick-me-up when I was done. I'll have to brace myself to read the other installments, which will involve the following commitment:
Other books in the series and number of pages:
Stone of Tears (703)
Blood of the Fold (640)
Temple of the Winds (528)
Soul of the Fire (800)
Faith of the Fallen (800)
The Pillars of Creation (736)
Naked Empire (752)
Chainfire (768)
Phantom (592)
Confessor (592)
Grand Total of Pages: 6,911
A Game of Thrones (A Song of Fire and Ice Book 1)
Personal Enjoyment Factor: 4.5/5
I'm still a little shocked that I liked this one. It's really dark. It's filled with things that usually make me toss a book aside with disgust. The women in the book are treated so horribly it's painful to read. My level of hatred for the more despicable characters was unprecedented. But there also characters I loved (Jon Snow and Arya Stark are the first two that come to mind), and I became enough attached to them that I want to find out what will become of them. And if the women get a little vengeance, I will shout out in triumph and have a bit of closure.
I actually have the second one checked out from the library right now, which is promising. But am I ready for the commitment?
Other books in the series and number of pages:
A Clash of Kings (768)
A Storm of Swords (1216)
A Feast for Crows (1060)
A Dance with Dragons (1008) Not yet released
Two more forthcoming, likely to be a bazillion pages long.
Projected Grand Total of Pages: 6,000+
Which, if any, of these series is worth the sacrifice of thousands of pages of the many other books that I want to read? Any recommendations?