Wednesday, February 17, 2016

BBAW Wednesday: Blame a Blogger

Day OneIntroduce yourself (16)
Because I've been away from the book blogging world for a time, I can't remember specific books that I've read because of specific blogger recommendations, but I know there are SO MANY.  I know I added several to my TBR shelf after reading all the intros on Monday, and the ginormous number of want-to-reads on Goodreads is thanks to reviews from blogs over the years.  So I blame you all!!

An author that I push/strongly suggest/gush about too much is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.  I urge friends to read her books and watch her talks. I've picked works by her for two book clubs now. My success in creating Adichie groupies has been marginally successful. When one book club met at my house to discuss Half of a Yellow Sun, a couple of guests pretended that they finished the book (they later confessed that they didn't want to hurt my feelings) and talked about how much they loved one character without realizing that he did something pretty horrible later on in the book. They felt a little awkward and we still joke about it. Just recently I hosted a book club with another group of ladies to discuss Purple Hibiscus, which I had already read and loved. Less people attended than usual, but I'm not sure if that was due to lack of interest or just busy schedules.  But one person there loved Purple Hibiscus, and immediately read two of her other books, and she loaned me We Should All Be Feminists.  That made my night!  One Adichie fangirl born!

Other books that I get really excited about and want everyone to read are All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren, Middlemarch by George Eliot, anything by Graham Greene, Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt, Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy.  Oh, I could go on and on but I think the prompt said just one so I should stop!


  1. I LOVED your current reads Out of my Mind and Nightingale, hope your enjoying them.

    Giggling about the book club participant not finishing the book and loved a character NOT, hahahhahaha and that is why you are always honest during book club discussions. Great post

  2. We're reading Americanah for our book club in June. And, I've got We Should All Be Feminists at the top of my TBR. Glad to know you recommend this author!

  3. We're reading Americanah for our book club in June. And, I've got We Should All Be Feminists at the top of my TBR. Glad to know you recommend this author!

  4. I just picked up We Should All Be Feminists. That seems to be one everyone loves!

  5. You could NEVER gush too much about Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (in my opinion). I think she's an incredible writer. Half of a Yellow Sun was absolutely devastating (Purple Hibiscus too!), and Americanah was stellar and funny and a surprise. I can't wait to see what she does next.

  6. I read Half of a Yellow Sun thanks to book bloggers. I loved it. I really need to read more by her.

  7. Love book group stories - I always tell the members of my club, you don't have to read the book, but know that we will be discussing then ending (it's a mystery club). Something similar happened at one of our meetings and it was pretty funny - although a bit embarrassing to the person who made the 'error'. :-)

  8. Even though you've been gone from blogging the last few years, I still remember some of the books I've read that I first heard about from you. :)

  9. I really want to read Far from the Madding Crowd but I'm not sure I can agree with All the King's Men! I wanted to finish that book so badly but it was such a struggle for me to get through.

    I read Half of a Yellow Sun thanks to book bloggers (I won it in a giveaway years ago...maybe from Caribousmom?) and loved it--I've been meaning to read more by her!

  10. I just read We Should All Be Feminists last week and loved it! Sadly I have never read her before... oops!
