Monday, February 15, 2016

BBAW Monday: "Me" in Five Books

This was hard but fun!  I focused on book titles more the content:

1.  Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain.  If you ask people that know me one word they would use to describe me it would probably be "quiet."  Or "homebody." I'm a total introvert. I elaborate on this in my review of this book.

2.  The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This is all about television!  My favorite show is Sherlock, and all of the shows that fit into a fairly predictable set, mostly British: Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, Broadchurch, IT Crowd, Doc Martin, Mr. Selfridge, Endeavor, etc.  I'm sure there's more. I won't even start with the Brit Lit Chick Flicks.

3. In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan.  I just really love food, and am willing to defend it!! Always planning to eat as Pollan suggests...

4. Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie.  I have four kids that I tried to train to be morning people like me. But I failed.  They are all night owls. So is my husband.  Over twenty years of living with them has not converted me into a night person.

5. I Remember Nothing by Nora Ephron.  Seriously.


  1. Quiet is being mentioned a lot! Happy BBAW!
    oh, hey - I've read the Draper book Out of My Mind. Hard to forget that cover.

  2. Michael Pollen is so sensible. And I too have notice Quiet has made a lot of list.

  3. I LOVE Nora Ephron. I Remember Nothing is so funny, and so very good.

    Happy BBAW!

  4. Sherlock Holmes is my favorite comfort reading. The mystery always gets solved, and we know who did it and why.

  5. Oh, I love your take on the last book - I Remember Nothing. LOL

    Quiet is showing up a lot. Seems like it fits many of us. And I am a big fan of many of your British TV shows.

  6. Quiet is everywhere! I have to get my hands on that one. Great list!

  7. I loved the Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food. I read them back in 2011 and they made a world of difference to the way I ate. For a few years, at least. I think I need a refresher reread...

  8. I'm a big food lover too but try to eat as Pollan asks us to. Introvert here as well. I love your list. Someday, I will battle through Midnight's Children - I failed the first time sadly.

  9. I need to read that introvert book AND that food book! LOL! Love your list!

  10. Everyone loves Quiet! There are days when I also feel like I Remember Nothing.

  11. I haven't yet read Quiet, but I imagine it would have made my list if I had. I am an introvert through and through. I'm hurriedly copying all the shows you mention under your Sherlock Holmes section. I love the show Sherlock. And Doctor Who. And Broadchurch. And Downton Abbey.

    Both my husband and daughter are night owls. I have always been more of a middle of the day person and so am more flexible. I call myself a reluctant morning person because I have to be up so early for work and can no longer stay up late into the night.

    Thank you for sharing! I hope you enjoy your week!

  12. Midnight's Children is such a wonderful book! My family are night people as well. We're actually looking at a school for my kiddo that doesn't start until 9 or 10. We will all be in heaven if he gets in! :)
    And I love that you mentioned IT Crowd. Actually all of those shows are on my "must watch" list.

  13. Hahahaha, I laughed so hard when I got to Midnight's Children! That's awesome. My family are all morning people (including me), and I sympathize with your plight! Waking up night owls early enough to get anything done during the day is a maddening task. :p

  14. That last one! I'm so with you--especially when it comes to books. Hate when someone asks me what a book was about and I can't remember!

    If I had the hard copy of Quiet, I would have included it--instead I went with Perks of Being a Wallflower. Guessing many of us bookworms are introverts.

  15. Interesting about introverts - I think I might have to read that!

  16. Quiet is such a good one. I didn't think of it, but it would've been a perfect fit for me.

  17. I LOVED Quiet. I'm a pretty hard core introvert, so it was super interesting to me! I'm also a big Pollan fan. Great list!

  18. I don't remember much either. I've tried to memorize this one sequence from my favorite movie Gladiator again and again (and again and again) and I fail every single time.

  19. I am so happy to see Quiet everywhere today! It's like this community found Our Book!

  20. Ooh, I should have had Quiet on my list. I'm guessing most of us bookworms are introverts. And isn't it fun that we can just be ourselves (while being homebodies) in this book blogging world? :)

  21. Sherlock Holmes, great choice. Many have also chosen Quiet today, I guess blogging is great for many of you to show us your personality through books.

  22. Haven't read any of these, but I keep thinking about reading Sherlock Holmes.

  23. I was surprised to see Quiet mentioned so often in these BBAW answers! I really have to read it. I share a lot of your Brit TV tastes, too!

  24. I am so glad that I have one kid who's a morning person. Interestingly, she's also an introvert, like me. Quiet has really helped me deal with the extroverts among my kids. And In Defense of Food is on my list, because I like food, too.

  25. I'm an introvert too! I haven't read Quiet though. Love your list.

  26. I adore the way you tackled this question. :) I'm a morning-oriented introvert who loves to eat, so it sounds like we should be friends. ;)

  27. The first three would work for me, too!

    I love your "predictable" set of shows -- but the IT Crowd is new to me so I'll have to give that a shot!

  28. Haha! Number five is so me!!

    Quiet was a really powerful and thought provoking read for many - me included. And apparently pretty popular in the bookish community. I guess it's understandable that we're mostly quite introverted.

  29. Love the way you interpreted this topic!
