Friday, September 2, 2011


Is it just me, or has this image gone positively viral in your Google Readers:

Or maybe it's this one:

Not surprisingly, there are going to be a lot of R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril this year, thanks to Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings, and I will attempt to number myself among them.

I'm going for Peril the First, with a goal to read four books with the intended elements of mystery, suspense, horror and such.  Here are some options I'm looking at:

Unwind by Neal Shusterman
Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruis Zafon
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
The Skull Mantra by Eliot Pattison
The Monk by Matthew Lewis
The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice
Drood by Dan Simmons
The Vanishing of Katherine Linden by Helen Grant

Have fun everyone!  I can't wait until the weather gets into the spirit this challenge. In Southern California, that usually happens a few days before it's over.


  1. This sounds like a fun challenge and I love the images! You got some great choices too.

    I also have Unbroken on my TBR list for this year - I'm very excited to start it!

  2. Yup, this challenge is all over my feed reader. But I'm glad as this is one of my favorite challenges. Good luck and enjoy your reads :)

  3. The Shadow of the Wind is one of my favorites!

  4. The Monk is so, so good!! I hope you get to it. :)

  5. The Shadow of the Wind is on my RIP list too! I would also like to read Interview with a Vampire at some point.

  6. Loved The Vanishing of Katarina Linden. Read it for last year's R.I.P. Challenge. I really need to read Shadow of the Wind. That was going to be the big October group read that I was going to suggest until I started hearing about The Lantern and thought it would be fun to discuss something that just came out.

    Glad you are joining in. I love how people embrace this challenge, not for personal reasons but because I get a big kick out of introducing readers/bloggers to other readers/bloggers. That part of it is so much fun.

  7. Shadow of the Wind is incredible! I hope you enjoy it - it's perfect for the cooler months!

  8. iI've seen shadow ofthe Wind on several lists for RIP. I read that one awhiel back - so straneg becasue usaully I am the LAST person to read a book, never one o fthe first!

  9. I've had Interview with a Vampire on my RIP for years! And have yet to get to it. Maybe this year? Shadow of the Wind is awesome, as is Unwind. Have fun!

  10. I want to read The Monk, too. By rights I should also read Drood, but I am not sure about the length...

  11. I really liked the first three on your list. Have fun!

  12. Michelle @ 1morechapter.comNovember 18, 2012 at 7:48 PM

    I love this challenge! I thought Unwind was very good. I'm going to read The Haunting of Hill House, but I'm not sure what else yet.

  13. Ooh, enjoy The Monk! It's one of my gothic faves.

  14. Okay, so Kailana and I are going to read Interview with a Vampire starting mid October to be finished by Halloween and the end of this challenge. Are you with us? Please?

  15. Count me in! I get the feeling that I'm going to need some kind of moral support while reading it. And maybe therapy.
