Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Premio Dardos Award

For me it's an award anytime someone even visits my blog (I especially love the world map--I get so excited when a blogger from a new location pops up), but it's especially nice to receive an award. Beth from Beth Fish Reads honored me with the Premio Dardos Award, which "acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day." Wow! That makes me feel sort of important. Although I must confess, I don't know what Dardos means. Feel free to enlighten me, anyone.
And now for the part that I have never been very good at in the past--passing it on:

The rules to follow are

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

There are many blogs that I love, listed in the left sidebar, that I pop in and visit most every day, whether I comment or not. I used to actively search for other blogs to read, but lately I discover new ones in roundabout ways. My list is always getting longer as I discover others who share a love of a particular author or book or just have an all-around great blog.

I decided I would highlight some of the blogs that I have more recently discovered, rather than those that have long been a part of my daily routine. These may not be new blogs, but they are fairly new to me, maybe within the last six months. I've included the name of the blog and a couple of recent posts for each:

Be sure to check out Beth's blog, which has great reviews and beautiful photographs.

Rose City Reader
The Book Nest
Jo-Jo Loves to Read
Peeking Between the Pages
Rob Around Books
Madness Abides
Tuesday in Silhouette
Sophisticated Dorkiness
The Bluestocking Society
A Reader's Respite
The Indextrious Reader
Trish's Reading Nook
A Patchwork of Books
Gimme More Books!
Holy cow that took a long time! I noticed that a few of these already received this award--yay for you!!

Also, no one needs to feel obligated to pass this on--I've always been horrible at doing it myself. Just know that I love your blogs--thanks for putting so much time and thought into your posts and making each of my days a little brighter. (Oh, that does sound corny, doesn't it?)

***While writing this post , I also discovered that Tuesday in Silhouette gave me this award too. Thanks!***


  1. Thank you for including my in this list -- Wow! Pretty impressive company!

    I hope all your awards don't distract you from your reading. :)

  2. This has got to be the most comprehensive post that I've ever seen! LOL. I think you deserve an award just for this. :-)

  3. Thanks for including me! I'm glad you enjoyed those reviews.

  4. Rose City, Trish and Laura,
    I'm so glad you stopped by, since I haven't actually gotten around to notifying all these wonderful bloggers that I've given them an award LOL!!

  5. How nice of you to mention me! I am really enjoying getting to know your blog as well, and have added you to my blogroll.
