Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hello and Help!

I have been missing a couple of things very much lately.

One of those things is blogging.  What was supposed to be a two-to-three month break has stretched into almost a year.  Going back to school has been more challenging than I thought it would be.  There's a lot of reading and writing.  Which sounds a lot like having a book blog.  But it's not.

The other thing I've been missing is this guy:

I know I can watch Doctor Who on Netflix anytime.  And I know he's in a whole lot of other stuff. And Matt Smith is pretty good. But nothing is quite like David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor. Needless to say, I'm excited about 50th Anniversary happenings. 

So I was already missing these things, and then I decided to check out some blogs I haven't visited in a while, and Google Reader is GONE.  I heard that it was going to die somewhere in between studying the French Revolution and reading the Communist Manifesto, but I guess I didn't take note of the date. 

Dear Readers, (if any of you are even subscribed to me, I don't even know!!!), how do you read blogs without Google Reader? I'm lost. I think I missed the opportunity to import my feeds to another reader.  I would research this problem but really right now I'm supposed to be studying for a mid-term and writing a paper. (Yes, the fact that I'm even posting anything at all right now is just one form of procrastination I'm resorting to.  Pinterest may seriously endanger my GPA.)  Any recommendations on a new reader or a how to read other blogs in an organized way?

P.S. - Thank you Book Blogging Community At Large.  Without your many recommendations, I may have never even watched Doctor Who, and my universe would be a much smaller place.

P.P.S. - I keep making the image of David Tennant larger.  Did I overdo it?

***Update:  I discovered the cutoff date is July 31, and I used Google Takeout to download stuff and then I think I take that and upload it somewhere.  So I'm still looking for recommendations on readers. And still not doing my schoolwork. ***


  1. I'm using Bloglovin. It's not as versatile as Google Reader and there are adds but it's not bad and it will ask if it can bring in the blogs from your Google Reader so you'd don't have multiple steps.

  2. Like Lisa, I've moved over to Blogluvin. The switch from Google Reader was very easy - clear directions guide you through. I still don't like it as much as GR, but it will do until something better comes along.

  3. No such thing as too big a picture of David Tennant. Cannot be possible.

    1. Very true! I need to look into getting a life-sized cutout for my room. I'm sure my husband would love that. ;)

  4. I wish you luck in school! I rely on my wordpress reader but should expand.

  5. Thanks, TBM! I've thought about switching my blog to Wordpress in the past, but when it comes down to it I'm just too lazy to try something new. Unless I'm forced to of course, like with Google Reader shutting down.

  6. Google Reader is still there, but they took the link off the front page for some stupid reason, so you have to type in the correct URL, which is www.google.com/reader --so you still have time. I think it's going away for good in July?

    We wound up installing Tiny Tiny RSS on our website, and it works quite well, but you do have to have a website to install it on. Having a computer-genius husband means that I get things like that, but I don't actually know how they work....

  7. Thanks, Jean! I will check out Tiny Tiny RSS. My husband is a computer-genius too, so there is some hope I will have success!

  8. you can still access www.google.com/reader, until July 1st. It will be gone on July 2nd. It seems a Reader version is being integrated into Google+, but not yet for all users.
    As I use a Nook Color a lot to read my feeds, the best for me is Taptu. see my detailed post on that: http://wordsandpeace.com/2013/03/18/taptu-best-google-reader-alternative-for-nook-color/

  9. I've been playing around with Feedly and Bloglovin; both are quite good and they will import your current blogs from Google Reader to either of those. You just have to create an account and then it should ask if you want to import from another reader; once you connect it to Google Reader, it's a snap and all your favorite blogs are downloaded. You do still have some time, until July, when they fully retire Google Reader, but I would suggest doing the quick imports now so you can play around with it and get comfortable with it all. Good luck!
