Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blogiversary and Giveaway

Blogiversary or blogoversary?  I've been doing this four four years now, and I still don't know.  Spell check doesn't like either one of them.  Oh, well, it's okay with the word GIVEAWAY, and hopefully some of you will be too.

I'm not only celebrating four years of Chainreading/Book Clutter.  I am also excited that I have applied and have been accepted at a local university and will finally be going back to school next fall.  I've been doing some independent study courses in the meantime, but I am looking forward to being in a classroom.  I'm trying my very hardest to become an intelligent person before fall comes so they don't kick me out.  I've just typed the word "fall" without capitalizing it twice, and I think maybe because it's a season it's supposed to be capitalized?  Is it?  I have so much to learn before Fall. 

I'll be majoring in History, and so this giveaway is offering books that I've tagged as Historical Fiction on Goodreads and have given a rating of 4 or 5 stars.  (Remember, my ratings are based on personal enjoyment, so some of these choice might be crap, but it's crap I enjoyed.)  Some of these may be loosely termed "historical fiction."  I don't want to start any discussions or debates here, because I will probably lose.  These are basically books that helped me to better understand a particular period of time in the past--a year ago, a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago, antiquity. 

Hmmm.  I notice that this list is seriously lacking in "bodice-rippers."  Sorry about that. 

Giveaway details:

1.  In a comment, tell me which book you would choose from the list on my right sidebar, or give me a recommendation for a work of historical fiction.
2.  Leave an email address so that I can contact you if you win.
3.  This giveaway is international if Book Depository ships for free to your country, and if they have the book you're interested in.
4.  The giveaway ends December 10, 2011, and I will notify the winner a day or two after that.

Good luck and thanks for visiting!


  1. Congrats on your blogiversary! The word I never know is readalong (read-a-long, read-along, read along?)

    I would like Honolulu by Alan Brennert

  2. Thanks so much! I would love to receive Nefertiti, I discovered Michelle Moran this year and just love her. Emma ehc16e at yahoo dot com

  3. Happy Blog Anniversary and good luck on going back to school!

    I love Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese so hope you get the chance to read it. I love a lot of the books on your list, so hopefully, we share the same taste:)

  4. Congratulations, going back to school sounds fantastic to me!
    I've wondered about blogiversary vs. blogoversary, too! Congratulations on yours!

    This is a fantastic collection of books! I think The Postmistress by Sarah Blake is a good historical fiction noivel
    Thank you!

  5. I've always said Bloggiversary. Not sure why I add two gs. It still cracks me up that Blogger doesn't like "Blogger" in spell check. Ummmm... ;)

    I'm kindof tempted by Lonesome Dove but don't know that I would read it any time soon...

    Congrats on going back to school! (this comment isn't showing, so I apologize for typing mistakes). I hope it goes really well--I'm sure it will.

  6. Fabulous THANK YOU!!

    I'd choose: Hawaii by James A. Michener


  7. Congratulations on your something-versary! My own memories of academia aren't so fond, but I'm very excited for you!!!

    So many great books on your list, but I would love a copy of Persepolis. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Hi Shelley, I would love to be entered for The Winds of War. I would recommend Geraldine Brooks for Historical Fiction (I have just finished Caleb's Crossing on audio and read Year of Wonders earlier this year). My email is melw_74(at)hotmail(dot)com
    Many thanks for giveaway and all the best for your study! The whole capitalisation issue causes me anxiety too, for what it is worth.

  9. I would choose The Book Thief because it's been recommended to me by so many people, even those who don't like to read (so it must be good!).

    Congrats on your university acceptance!!

    whatinabox at gmail dot com

  10. Congratulations!!! That's so exciting, that you're going back to school. And majoring in my favorite subject, too. :-D Good luck!

  11. I'm just here to stay happy blogoversary and congrats on school! Fantastic!

  12. Melissa (Avid Reader)November 18, 2012 at 7:52 PM

    Congrats to you on both your Blogiversary/blogoversary and going back to school! That really is something to celebrate. You have so many geat books listed, some of my favorites. It's not on your list, but I've heard the historical fiction book "Henrietta's War: News from the Home Front 1939-1942" is wonderful.

    My e-mail is avidreader25 [at] gmail [dot] com

  13. Congratulations on the blogiversary, and on going back to college. Since I've read the first two Genghis books, I'd love to win Bones of the Hills. Thanks for the giveaway.

  14. Congratulations on going back to school! I graduated eight years ago, and I never thought I would say this, but I kind of miss it. Well the learning in classes part, not the tests. :) Good luck. I would love to read All the King's Men. I've heard great things about it.

    klmickelsen at gmail dot com

  15. I have always wondered about blogoversary v blogiversary too! The former has always made more sense to me but everyone else seems to go with the latter. Either way, happy -versary to you!

    I would love to win The Grapes of Wrath. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. I would pick the The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, because I still haven't read it.

  17. Congratulations for the blogversary (? :)) - I'd go with Moon Over Manifest. Heard great things about it.

    thesleeplessreader (at) gmail (dot) com

  18. Just wanted to say a HUGE CONGRATS on heading back to school!!

  19. Henrietta's War - love that period.

    A very happy blogoversary and all the best going back to school.


  20. Congrats on the blog and going to school. I studied history in college and grad school. I'm so so so jealous. I would like to enter the drawing and I'm interested in The Red Tent. You have some great books on the list! I live in London so hopefully they deliver here.

  21. Congratulations! Not just on the bloggiversary (sp???) --- but also on your acceptance to college. What a wonderful way to treat yourself!

    I would love to be entered in your giveaway and my choice would be Gone with the Wind. I read the book in high school, but would love to have the opportunity to read it again, now that I am older and perhaps a bit more mature :)

  22. Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)November 18, 2012 at 7:52 PM

    "It might be crap, but it's crap I enjoyed" - I LOVE it :) Congrats on your blogo-whatever. I've enjoyed reading your blog in all its incarnations.

    You have lots of good ones on your sidebar. Some of my favorites, in fact. If I had to choose one I haven't read yet, it would be either THE RIVER BETWEEN US or MY NAME IS MRY SUTTER. Both sound awesome!

  23. congrats on 4 years...and on going back to school! I'll suggest NUMBER THE STARS which I loved. It's a kids book but i see you have some of those on your list, so you probably would like it. As for what I'd like if I win...I don't know there are so many on your list that I haven't read yet but I own them! lol I'd probably say Moon over Manifest or Hattie Big Sky, which look interesting. rebecca[at]rebeccareid[dot]com

  24. Congratulations and best wishes. Wonderful news. Sounds great. The Winds of War is memorable and enjoyable. Many thanks.

  25. Wow, congrats on going back to school and happy blogiversary! I'd love to win The Winds of War; I have War and Remembrance but probably should read the first book first. ;) Thanks for the generous giveaway!

    diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com
