Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Thoughts 8-14-11

Outside my window:  Freshly mowed lawn :-)

I am listening to:  Two of my girls playing the piano and singing.  (I just heard one of them say to the other, "Are you saying eww to my singing?")  Also my son is editing footage from a "game show" all of the cousins acted out this weekend.

I am watching:   Doc Martin via Netflix Instantplay.  I love this show!  Just starting with Series 2.

I am thinking:  So many things I need to write them down on paper.  I call this my "brain-barf list."  Lovely name, huh?

I am grateful for:  A home, cars to drive, food to eat, healthy kids, the freedom and time to read and study.

I am reading:  The same things as two weeks ago . . . Really enjoying The Way of Kings

I am photographing:

 Pat Benatar/Neil Giraldo concert, shot of screen while singing "We Belong."  Awesome night!

My new nephew-dog(?) driving home from getting him at the airport.

 Cousin sleepover, in the middle of their latest cinematic caper.

 A shot of the sky during a baseball game.

I am listing:  Characters, creatures, places, nationalities, etc. found in The Way of Kings.  It's a long list so far.

I am creating:  Does the blanket I started crocheting for my daughter three years ago count?

Around the house:  I have been pretty grumpy about housework.  I just feel so sick of it.  The same things getting cleaned and messed up over and over and over.  I asked my husband if we could somehow eradicate housework, and he said we could if we got rid of the house.  Point taken.

In the kitchen:  Just trying to meet my goal of making dinner every night at home.  Summer was a little crazy as far as family dinners go, and I'm happy to get back into a routine.  Tonight:  Spaghetti, veggies, and garlic bread sticks.  Basic works.

One of my favorite things:  ZUMBA!  I've been doing it for over a year now, and it's so much fun.

The children these last two weeks:  Started school! 

Plans for the week:  Two Back-to-School Nights, one orthodontist appointment, one eye appointment, three dentist appointments, and a bunch of other mundane activities.  Starting jogging again after two months off.  I weigh a little less, so it should be easier, right?

In (or around) this date:  Nothing particularly noteworthy.  August does not seem to be conducive to blogging whatever the year.

Post format swiped from Polishing Mud Balls.


  1. Oh, wow! I had forgotten about the existence of Charo. Now I will probably laugh next time I go to Zumba! I do a lot of laughing as it is when I don't know what I'm doing. I very carefully avoid the huge mirror in the studio. But it's so much fun and it's liking traveling around the world through dance.

  2. LOL! The daughter that said "ewww" sounds like me. ;) That picture of the sky at the baseball game is so pretty. I hate that creative question. It makes me feel so horribly uncreative! Good luck this week, sounds like a crazy one.

  3. The creative question depresses me a little, because I do like to create things but haven't had much time to. I keep answering it though in hopes that one day I'll have something good to report, lol!

  4. I've never done zumba, but I have a hilarious zumba story...I was walking across a parking lot with friends from work and we were talking about zumba, and one woman tried to explain what it was by doing a Charo move. And then she looked up and a total stranger was sitting in his car laughing his butt off. At her.

    I will now forever associate zumba with Charo.
