Monday, August 23, 2010

Classics Blogger Directory at The Zen Leaf

Amanda from The Zen Leaf is putting together a directory for all of those who blog about literary classics! If you're another lover of the classics, sign up to be on the directory, or just use it as a source for reviews. 
I don't know what percentage of my reviews consist of classics (statistics, bleh!), but it is one of my largest categories on Goodreads.  I still feel like I've only scratched the surface and there are many I hope to read before I die, or go blind, or lose my mind, or become addicted to exercise and become a hottie and shun reading as a couch potato activity.  (Only one of those is a likely possibility, and it's not the one that would involve wearing a bikini.)


  1. Thanks for letting people know about this!

  2. What a totally cool idea. Thanks for sharing this! I will definitely be joining the list, as soon as I compose a sparkling paragraph describing my taste in classics. :-)

  3. This is great. Thanks for the heads up. I just found your blog and based on your goodreads, it looks like we have similar reading tastes. Just wanted to say hi :)

  4. thanks for the info. Not sure I qualify. I do review them, but not as often as others.

  5. HaHaHa! You gave me a good laugh today. If becoming a hottie means I have to give up reading, I'll keep the reading. ;)

  6. What a great idea and resource for all of us!
