Monday, March 29, 2010

Once Upon a Time IV Challenge

Artwork, The Queen, by Melissa Nucera. Check out her Etsy shop, This Years Girl.

Yes, it's that wonderful time of year again. The flowers are blooming, trees are blossoming, the sun is shining, and readers are coming together to celebrate fantasy, folklore and mythology courtesy of Carl V. of Stainless Steel Droppings. The old me surely would have signed up for the high-achieving "Quest the Third (or Fourth)", but this year I'm going for "The Journey"--at least one book and maybe more, but only if that's the way the magic happens. I have a brand new copy of Guy Gavriel Kay's Tigana that I plan to delve into and savor. I know one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I have high hopes based on this one:

Happy Spring Reading!


  1. Welcome back! I enjoy this challenge, so I think I have to join this one again...

  2. Rebecca,
    It's hard to resist this one. It has a "feel-good" quality to it that I love.
