Friday, May 23, 2008

Books 2 and 3 of Scott Westerfeld's Uglies Series

Pretties (2005, 370 pgs.): Tally Youngblood has agreed to undergo the operation to become beautiful, with the intention of turning around and providing the "cure" for the brain lesions that are a part of the transformation into the carefree submission of the "pretties." But she finds it is not so easy to choose to give up her new life of parties and fun. Together with her new boyfriend Zane and her group of friends, Tally struggles to keep in touch with her true self to break free of the changes in her brain, and try to reconnect with the "Uglies" she bonded with in the first book.
With some irritating "pretty" language and lack of a riveting storyline, I found this book merely served as a bridge between Uglies (which I loved) and Specials (which I also loved, see next!)
Specials (2006, 372 pgs.): "Tally thought they were a rumor, but now she's one of them. A Special. A super-amped fighting machine, engineered to keep the uglies down and the pretties stupid." (From the back cover) In this one, the action picks up again, and Tally again strives to gain control over her own mind and learn to trust her own instincts, not the ones that have been wired into her brain. She recognizes the power of the need to belong to a group, and the evils of government restricting freedoms. The ending is not what I expected, and I like that.

Overall, I very much enjoyed the series. I love novels that look at society and pick out certain trends and then envision where those trends could lead us into the future. These books are quick to read, imaginative without being unbelievable, and filled with situations that make you reflect on the world around you.


  1. Interesting. I read Uglies, which I liked but not loved, but I haven't read the other two. I really need to. Thanks for the reviews!

  2. i liked Uglies better than the other two, although i did enjoy the entire trilogy. i keep picking up Extras from the library but have to return it before i get to it because someone has it on "hold."

  3. These books sound wickedawesome. Le sigh, guess I'll have to add them to the tbr pile.

    Great reviews.

  4. Thanks for your comment on my review of these books. I've been frantically searching through my feeds trying to remember who had recently posted about the books. Turns out, it was you! LOL.
